Friday, December 12, 2008

Chingay Festival

Penang Tourism Department is co-organizing with Chingay Society to promote Chingay culture. I have only found out about this information yesterday and unfortunately I couldn't find some free time to post it. Below are the festival's information:-

Title: Chingay Festival
Date: 21st December 2008
Time: 6.30PM - 9.00PM
Venue: Padang Kota Lama

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Exploring New Site - Teluk Kumbar

As our club is growing amazingly fast. We need to find out more information of where members can take gorgeous photos in Penang. So Jason Khoo and I were cruising around Batu Maung area, and we came across this Teluk Kumbar, it's quite hidden from outside view. When we arrived, there were quite a numbers of Palestinian alike families picnicing. Let's let the photos do the talking.

New Club's Name - Photographers Network ( PGN )

After much awaits, we finally come across our new club's name, Photographers Network ( PGN ). From next weeks onwards, many things awaits us to do. Photographer Network will be a platform for DSLR hobbyists and Commercial Professional. In later stage we will be introducing Event Coverage Packages to northern region societies.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Advice 2 All Members!!

Objective to stay in our club & outing activities (applied to photo buddy):-
  1. PGN Nikon Club's reputation and future activities come first (Member must always think on behalf of our club).
  2. Members must be active in every activities, if absent from club's activities three times continuously without informing me, you will automatically be dismembered.
  3. Members must be friendly, respectful to other members, no show off attitudes please. If I received 3 complaints about any member from others after outing activities, investigation will be held. If the complaint were true, you too will be dismembered.
  4. PGN Nikon do not allow club politics, we take it seriously.
In not so distant future, all existing members must fill up our club joining application form with 2 passport size photos and joining fees plus annual fees. Official website and club venue will be inform later in future. A club ID card will be given to all successful applicant and your ID card must be worn at each activities outing! Others to be update in the future.